Current age restriction to join Google Plus is 18. You must be above 18 to join Google plus. But Google has decided to decrease this age restriction limit to 13.
According to Google Plus team, Google Plus will be open for all from 31/July/2011 and from same date age restriction will also decrease to 13.
This is going to be more fun with Google Plus. Facebook already have age restriction of 13.
Man can you spare a invite? (:
sure David, invitation sent
me too please?? if not its okay
Hi Brooke, invitation sent
Ahh thanks so much!
do you by any chance have a source for this?
Hi @Freefaller, G+ invitation sent
Do you have an invite? <3
@carlos, G+ invitation sent
Any invites left?
Hi, Google+ invitation sent
Are there any more invites going?
If you can invite me too please?
so how do you exactly know this is the date they are lowering the limit?
Do you have a source?
I really hope you aren’t bringing my hopes up to crush them on the 1st of August.
So far all ‘official’ announcements have been given out by members of the G+ team in posts. I follow them all and there’s no official date. Vic Gondotra, Senior VP Engineering, and generally the lead guy for G+ it seems, has just announced he’s having a few days off.
“”thank you” to all of you are participating in our Google+ field trial. We have some exciting improvements to the product coming, many in response to your feedback.”
So don’t hold your breath
So far I’ve yet to see an official announcement on the true release date. If Google + really wants to push Facebook to the side, they’ll have to enable it for the minority.
Also, if you happen to have anymore invites, could you please spare one?
Hi jennifer, invitation sent
If you happen to have any invitations left, throw one my way!
Hi Austin, invitation sent
so when exactly can people under 18 use the invite they already havew?
@Kellan, Sorry, but age restriction is still 18
yes, i received your invite. i didn’t need it. i already had one. but that is beside the point. it says in the system that i am 15. i live in the same time zone as google. so either they are making the switch later or the leak was a hoax.
Can’t get it to work! It still says that i’m too young. I’m 14! Someone else with the same problem? Hos to fix that??
I think its after july 31st
Do you have a source? it’s still not letting me join. whats wrong?
Wow. Fake.
Who would’ve thought.
I’m sure you got plenty of hits with this fake article, but you will not be getting return views from me.
Hi, I already updated the post. I will check about this from some sources.
My 18th birthday is coming after a few days and I can’t still get it to work on 1st August!
Hey, any invites left my good man
@ Clarkeymusic, invitation sent
Hey Ravi, thanks for the invite, it’s really appreciated.
Thanks for people like you on the net.
Can You send me invitation pls…thanks
@ Erio, invitation sent