Google Plus currently can be joined only via invitation. Actually its under Beta phase, So Google is testing its functioning before opening it for all.
Good news is that Google plus is going to open for all on 31/july/2011
According to Google Plus team, it can be a day or two sooner but not late.
So, from 31/july/2011 you do not need any invitation to join Google Plus.
If anyone need Google Plus invitation, leave a comment below with your gmail ID.
Please send me one wj58822000@gmail
@jcos, invitation sent
please send me an invite Thanks
@Noah, invitation sent
Please send an invite! Tx!
@karen, invitation sent
Thanks, Ravi! You are awesome!
please may i have one.
@terence, invitation sent
Wish u still have an invite.
@vinod, invitation sent
An invite would be appreciated.
@wes, invitation sent
Please send me an invite
Thank you
@potyike, invitation sent
Please send me one haha!
@Tori, invitation sent
I can’t wait until July 31st! Lol invite please….
@Amanda, invitation sent
google plus invite? thanks!
@pgreen, invitation sent
Do you still have an invite left ?
@Tim, invitation sent
Can I have an invite please?
Yes, invitation sent
whoops, missed the bit about it needing to be a gmail account, this is posted with my gmail account.
No problem, invitation sent to your gmail ID also
Please add me, many thanks
@Craig, invitation sent
I really hope you still have an invite. txs in advance
@wenni, invitation sent
Hey, I can’t wait to get in!
Hello Ryan, invitation sent
Can you please send me an invitation?
Hi Arielle, invitation sent
Thank you soo much
I would really appreciate an invite, if you have any remaining! Many thanks.
Hi Nathan, invitation sent
Can you send one my way, thanks!
Hi John, invitation sent
Hey admin, I admire your work. Could you please send me an invitation? Thank you very much+
Hey Milo, invitation sent
plz send me also one…i would luv to be a part of google+ community before date..
Hi ankit, invitation sent